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March 1, 2013

Obama and Israel: By The Numbers

Listed in: Israel, Fact Sheets, NJDC News, Press Releases


600:   Over $600 million in funding for the Arrow Anti-Missilie System, including:

324: Over $324 million in funding for Arrow III, a high altitude missile defense system

282:  Over $282 million in supplemental funding for the Arrow II Program, or ASIP

575:   Over $575 million in supplemental funding for the David’s Sling missile defense system

100:  100% Pro-Israel voting record at the United Nations

85:  85% success rate of the Iron Dome, which saved countless Israeli lives and revolutionized Israel’s defense strategy

30+:  30+ (& Counting) Meetings and calls between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu that have been made public—more than with any other foreign leader

11.4 More than $11.4 billion in foreign aid to Israel over four years—and growing

6: 6 Iran sanctions bills and executive orders signed into law—and growing

1:  Over $1 billion in funding for the Iron Dome rocket defense system

Countless: Countless lives saved due to use of the Iron Dome  






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