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November 7, 2012

NJDC Saddened by Rep. Berkley’s Defeat

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) Chair Marc R. Stanley and President and CEO David A. Harris issued the following statement in response to Representative Shelley Berkley’s (D-NV) defeat in the Nevada Senate race:

“On behalf of the National Jewish Democratic Council—and indeed on behalf of Jewish Democrats everywhere—we are deeply saddened by Representative Shelley Berkley’s defeat in the Nevada Senate race. Shelley Berkley has been a key voice on so many Jewish communal issues - from her powerful voice on Israel, to reproductive freedom, to essential social safety net issues - that it is deeply disheartening to know that her voice will not be returning to Capitol Hill in the next Congress. She has particularly been a leader in the pro-Israel community, and she has been a true friend to NJDC over the years. She will be missed on Capitol Hill by so many in our community, and we wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.”