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July 23, 2009

NJDC Board: Confirm Sotomayor Before August Recess

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC - To emphasize the National Jewish Democratic Council’s (NJDC) call for action on the timely confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court by August, NJDC’s Board of Directors officially endorsed President Barack Obama’s choice to fill the court’s vacancy.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings clearly showed that the selection of Judge Sotomayor by President Barack Obama was made on the basis of sound judgment and profound respect for our nation’s highest court,” said Marc R. Stanley, NJDC Chairman. “Judge Sotomayor has impeccable credentials and is committed to our constitutional values, rights, and liberties.”

“We urge the Senate to confirm Judge Sotomayor before the August recess. This will allow her to prepare and participate when the Court confers in September and selects cases to be heard during the upcoming term,” Stanley concluded.