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March 5, 2010

Biden Visit to Israel Displays Administration’s “Profound Commitment” to Israel’s Security

Listed in: Israel, NJDC News, Press Releases

Stanley: “It’s safe to say that the state of US-Israel strategic cooperation has never been so close.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Marc R. Stanley, Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), released the following statement:

The National Jewish Democratic Council is grateful and excited that Vice President Joe Biden will be traveling to Israel for a three-day return trip next week to talk to the Israeli people and their leaders face-to-face - and to share just how profoundly committed this Administration is to the security of the Israeli people. This visit - one of Vice President Biden’s many visits - arrives after more than a year of sweeping economic and growing strategic cooperation, and it comes fast on the heels of a long list of crucially important high-level visits to Israel by American security officials. In just the past month, Israel has been visited by National Security Advisor General James Jones, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen and CIA Director Leon Panetta, among others. On the eve of the Vice President’s trip, it’s safe to say that the state of US-Israel strategic cooperation has never been so close.

Such cooperation is essential in the face of looming threats such as that posed by Iran; here, President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden have been clear time and time again regarding their complete and tireless commitment to preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. As Israel’s Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Ambassador to the United States have all publicly stated in recent months, this Administration and Israel’s leadership are on the same page on this critical security issue. We are confident that the Vice President’s extended stay in Israel will provide him with another excellent opportunity to discuss this essential issue - and so many others - with Israel’s leaders.

The NJDC continues to be deeply thankful for the ongoing unprecedented levels of economic and strategic cooperation between Israel and the United States under this Administration. That the Vice President would spend three days in Israel is emblematic of the high priority placed on the US-Israel relationship by this Administration. We know that the Vice President’s message will be warmly received as he reaches out to the Israeli people next week.