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July 1, 2005

Conservative Activists: Jewish Senator Has “Vendetta” Against Arab Nominee

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: Today's Washington Post reports that conservative judicial activists are questioning whether Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) is opposing a judicial nominee based on the fact that Levin is Jewish, and the nominee is of Arab descent.

The Post reports, "Rhetoric was just as sharp at a gathering here of conservative activists urging the Senate to confirm U.S. appellate court nominee Henry W. Saad of Michigan. Victoria Toensing of the Committee for Justice accused Sen. Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.) of waging 'a vendetta' against Saad, noting that the nominee is Arab American, as is his advocate, former senator Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.). Asked if she was suggesting that Levin's being Jewish had a role in his actions, Toensing replied: 'I don't know. I know these are two Arab Americans, and you'll have to ask that of Senator Levin.' Levin had no immediate response." (Click for full story.)

"It is unconscionable for these conservative judicial activists to bait Senator Levin based on his Jewish faith," said National Jewish Democratic Council Executive Director Ira N. Forman. "Anyone making such wild allegations demonstrates that they don't know the first thing about Senator Levin, and they similar don't care that they're needlessly inflaming relations between Arab-Americans and Jewish Americans. It is unacceptable to raise such questions where none rightfully exist; even Senator Levin's GOP colleagues recognize his fundamental fairness and his ability to work across the aisle, with individuals of all faiths and ethnicities. These far-right attack-dogs are acting on behalf of the White House; as such, it is incumbent upon George W. Bush to specifically condemn this sort of baiting based on one senator's religion," Forman added.