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October 18, 2007

Coulter Slanders Jews Again

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Within days of saying that Jews should be "perfected" and that America would be better off where Judaism thrown away Ann Coulter has struck again, telling right wing radio host Michael Medved that "the Jews believe that my savior, a Jew, was a raving lunatic, and you don't see me sniffling and crying."

"Broadcasters know exactly what they are getting when they choose to put Coulter on the air," said NJDC Executive Director Ira N. Forman. "The next time a news network chooses to help her sell books by giving her air time, we can only assume they are tacitly endorsing her behavior. And, if Republican presidential candidates continue to abstain from condemning her, they are tacitly endorsing her behavior as well.

The full quote from Ann Coulter:

"But Judaism, as I explained -- Christians accept the Old Testament. Jews don't accept the New Testament, so, you know, as long as we're playing this new sport of ‘he who is offended first wins,' if anyone's going to be offended by anyone else's religion, the Jews believe that my savior, a Jew, was a raving lunatic, and you don't see me sniffling and crying."

[Media Matters for America]

NJDC has an online petition to ask the broadcast networks to stop booking Coulter as a guest. It can be signed at