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May 2, 2002

Daschle Urges Movement on Israel Resolution; NJDC Encourages Support From Both Parties

Listed in: Israel, NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: CNN's Internet news service reported this morning that in a conversation with President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) "told President Bush Wednesday morning he intends to bring a resolution supporting Israel before the Senate as early as this week." CNN further reported that "the move prompted House Republicans" to resume efforts to pass a similar measure in the House, after previously delaying efforts at the behest of President Bush. The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) today wrote to every Democratic member of the House and Senate to urge full support of the pro-Israel resolutions.

"Israel is in a state of crisis, and Israel needs strong demonstrations of America's deep and abiding friendship and support - now more than ever," said NJDC Executive Director Ira N. Forman. "Both Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate - including Majority Leader Daschle and Senator Lieberman (D-CT) - should be lauded for their leadership in moving these measures forward, and we encourage all members from both chambers to lend their names and their votes to these resolutions."