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March 17, 2005

Dean: A Strong Israel is Essential

Listed in: Israel, NJDC News, Press Releases

DNC Chair Howard Dean spoke eloquently this week about the powerfully pro-Israel agenda of the Democratic Party -- first in a meeting with a delegation of NJDC leaders, and later that same day before an AIPAC audience.

The Forward and Washington Jewish Week report today on Governor Dean's strong statements during the well-received AIPAC speech; links to the full article texts can be found below.

Governor Dean on Israel and terrorism:

* "The greatest threat that the world faces today comes from Islamic terrorists."

* "A strong Israel is an essential part of the ability of the United States to build democracy everywhere in the world."

* Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "has put himself at great political risk, making a decision to withdraw from Gaza ... it is time for the other side to begin to show that they are willing to take great political risks."

* "We will approach the bargaining table as an ally of Israel."

Governor Dean on incitement and anti-Semitism:

* "Incitement of violence and hatred must be an issue that we confront, and I do not speak simply of the textbooks that are found in Palestinian schools. I speak about what Saudi Arabia is doing around the world to finance the teaching of hatred of Americans, Christians, Jews and moderate Muslims. We need to confront that, and we need to confront it boldly because there is a long-term danger in what the Saudis are using our oil money for."

Governor Dean on Iran:

* Iran "right now is potentially the most dangerous nation on the face of the earth. Should they get the atomic bomb, that presents an enormous danger; not simply to Israel, but to the United States, as well. We cannot permit Iran to possess nuclear weapons, and we need to do everything we can to stop that."

* Governor Dean expressed his disappointment that "it has taken us five years to do what should have been done immediately. I think Iran - which clearly funds terrorism everywhere, clearly has blood on its hands - not just of Israelis, but also of Americans - needs to be dealt with in a way that makes it very clear what our intentions are. At the end of the day, the United States must make it clear that we will not permit Iran to possess nuclear weapons, and that is a bright line. Let them not put one toe across that bright line."

To view the full text of the Forward article on Governor Dean's remarks, please click here.

To view the full text of the Washington Jewish Week article on Governor Dean's remarks, please click here.