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July 6, 2004

Edwards an “Outstanding Friend of the American Jewish Community”

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: National Jewish Democratic Council Executive Director Ira Forman today released the following statement:

"Senator John Kerry today made his first critical presidential choice. And in choosing Senator John Edwards as his running mate, Senator Kerry has selected an outstanding friend of the American Jewish community, and a powerful supporter of the issue positions held by the vast majority of American Jews. Most importantly, Senator Edwards is a strong leader who could serve with distinction as president.

"Senator Edwards has compiled an excellent pro-Israel record in the United States Senate, demonstrating his leadership and his willingness to reach across the aisle to aid bi-partisan support for Israel. Also imperative to the Jewish community is his commitment to civil liberties, his demonstrated opposition to radically conservative judicial appointees, and his strong support for initiatives to protect our environment and punish polluters -- including his leadership in fighting the Bush administration's rollback of the Clean Air Act.

"Most importantly, Senator Edwards embodies the Jewish ideal of practicing Tikkun Olam -- repairing the world. Through his commitment to defending those without a voice, protecting our environment, and working to help those in need, Senator Edwards -- like Senator John Kerry -- shares the priorities of the clear majority of the American Jewish community."