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May 12, 2011

Jewish Dems Call Gingrich Statements “Bizarre, Semi-Conspiratorial”

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC- For much of the last two years, 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has shown poor judgment. His use of language that is profoundly offensive to American Jews and his bizarre, semi-conspiratorial stances have distinguished him as willing to go to the farthest lengths to appeal to the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. Yesterday’s announcement that Gingrich would seek the Republican nomination for president prompted National Jewish Democratic Council President and CEO David A. Harris to release the following statement:

“Over the last two years, Gingrich’s behavior has reminded American Jews again and again why he is simply beyond the pale. Newt’s bizarre charge that America is run by an ‘anti-Jewish elite’ and his frequent Holocaust references are deeply offensive to most American Jews. Whether genuine or opportunistic, the laundry list of his recent actions proves to American Jews that he lacks the judgment and civility necessary for an aspiring president.”

The majority of American Jews expect a candidate to adhere to high standards of integrity and civility. Gingrich has repeatedly demonstrated that he does not meet those criteria. Whether his recent behavior is genuine or an attempt to co-opt the extreme right of the Republican Party, it is unlikely to play well to the vast majority of American Jews—even Jewish Republicans. The Jewish Week reported that “many Jewish GOPers aren’t betting on [Gingrich]” to increase the GOP’s share of the Jewish vote because of Gingrich’s extreme positions and outrageous behavior. [The Jewish Week, May 10, 2011]

Gingrich, as both an individual and as an icon of the Republican Party, is further proof of the chasm that exists between today’s Republican Party and the vast majority of American Jews. His recent behavior makes it abundantly clear that American Jews have much to be concerned about should Gingrich become the standard-bearer for the GOP.

Gingrich’s recent behavior includes:

Charging that the “United States under President Obama is ‘dominated by a secular, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish elite.’” [JTA, March 28, 2011]

Appearing with right wing extremist radio host Bryan Fischer. Fischer has asserted that the First Amendment only applies to Christians and has leveled other attacks on homosexuals and Muslims. Gingrich appeared on his radio show on March 25, 2011. [People for the American Way, March 25, 2011]

Accusing President Barack Obama of having “Kenyan, anti-colonial” views. [TPM, September 13, 2010]

Comparing building the proposed mosque near ground zero to Nazis protesting at the Holocaust museum. [Politico, August 16, 2010]

Inappropriately using the Holocaust to make political points in his 2010 book To Save America: Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine. Gingrich wrote, “The secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.” [NJDC Blog, May 21, 2010]

Declaring that America is “secular-socialist” under Obama and then comparing it to communist Poland during a speech at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. [TPM, October 28, 2010]

Sharing the stage with Fischer at the 2010 Values Voter Summit. [People for the American Way, September 14, 2010] Fischer used his appearance to assert that “pagans and atheists” are responsible for America’s current problems and that Christians are the only people who can fix them. [Right Wing Watch, September 18, 2010]