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May 3, 2005

GOP Pres. Frontrunner Cozies Up to Robertson

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: Today's Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that Virginia Senator and GOP presidential hopeful George Allen will be giving the commencement address on Saturday at Pat Robertson's Regent University. Allen, recently named by the National Journal magazine poll of political insiders as the most likely 2008 GOP presidential nominee, is holding two fundraisers in New Hampshire today.

The Times-Dispatch reports that Robertson asserted on Sunday's "This Week" program on ABC that federal judges pose a more dangerous threat to America than Al Qaeda, quoting Robertson as saying that the judiciary is a greater threat to the country than "a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings." On the same program, Robertson said of Allen, "I think George Allen from Virginia was a distinguished governor, he's a distinguished senator, headed the senatorial campaign committee and won some significant victories. He's a very attractive guy and could make a tremendous president," Robertson added.

"As an important GOP leader and presidential hopeful who wants to be taken seriously, George Allen has got to decide before he delivers the keynote address at Pat Robertson's college: does he agree with Robertson's offensive and ridiculous claim that America's judges pose a greater threat than the terrorists who murdered thousands of Americans on American soil?" asked NJDC Executive Director Ira N. Forman. "A 'profile in courage' moment is long overdue among America's GOP leaders. The time has finally come for top Republicans like Allen to stop beating a path to the doors of the radical conservatives like Robertson who engage in the most odious and dangerous rhetoric. It is long past time for top elected Republicans to start speaking truth to the real powerbrokers in today's conservative movement.

"The National Journal poll points out just how advanced and successful George Allen's 2008 presidential campaign is, and how much of a frontrunner he has already become. That fact makes it all the more unfortunate that Allen, like other top GOP hopefuls, feels the need to court the Pat Robertsons of the party rather than trying to demonstrate an urge to represent all Americans.

"NJDC, American Jews, and fair-minded American moderates of both parties will be watching on Saturday," Forman noted. "When George Allen stands on the dais with Pat Robertson on Saturday, he has to speak truth to power, and condemn Robertson's outlandish statements comparing America's judges to murderous terrorists."