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December 27, 2006

Is the War Against Christmas Finally Over?

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

Conservatives were outraged in 2005 when some retail stores announced that they would no longer be greeting customers with "Merry Christmas," instead saying "Happy Holidays" to ensure that all feel comfortable shopping in their stores. Even President Bush opted out of the traditional Christmas White House greeting card.

Nevertheless, right-wing ideologues and pundits -from Bill O'Reilly to Sean Hannity and everyone in between - took to the airways calling on Christians everywhere to stand up against the "secular progressive movement" that was committing what Pat Robertson called "crimes against Christianity."

This year, Walmart declared that it "learned a lesson last year," and employees will now be greeting everyone with "Merry Christmas" while 60% more of the company's products will be labeled "Christmas" this year compared to last. Macy's, Target, Sears, Kohl's and TJX Companies will also be "Decking the Halls" from now until December 25th.

This isn't enough for Conservatives like Fox's Bill O'Reilly and anchor John Gibson who are still trying to keep their imaginative War alive.

O'Reilly declared that it's a "culture war" for people who "want to retain the Christmas tradition." Gibson said, "I used to call those opposed to Christmas 'secularists,' but the shadows have become clearer. These are angry athiests... Heads up believers, they are coming after you."

It's amazing that this is how Fox chooses to fill its airwaves when there is a "REAL war" going on in Iraq which has caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 American soldiers.