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October 5, 2006

Israel or Partisan Politics?

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

This week, NJDC continues its national campaign calling on Jewish Republicans to stop using Israel as a political football.

In ads which will begin appearing in Jewish newspapers this week, NJDC asks Jewish voters, "Israel or Partisan Politics?"

For more than 50 years, the pro-Israel community has worked to achieve a bipartisan consensus of support for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. Unfortunately, some Republicans today are working to tear this consensus apart by suggesting that one political party is more supportive of Israel than the other.

The goal of these partisans is not to build support for Israel, but rather to drive a dangerous wedge through the Jewish community to achieve Republicans' short-term political goals. Frankly, they are doing a disservice to Israel and the Jewish community.

In the words of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, support for Israel "transcends party lines."

Presidents will come and go. Control of Congress will change with time. If the pro-Israel community is to ensure that support for Israel transcends Administrations and Congresses, then it is essential that support for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship remain above the partisan, political fray. As a community, we must stay committed to maintaining and building on the bipartisan consensus that currently exists.

NJDC and Democrats believe that when it comes to Israel, bipartisanship is the only answer.

>View NJDC's ad on bipartisan support for Israel