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July 27, 2004

Jewish Democrats Honor Lieberman in Boston

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Jewish Democrats Honor Lieberman in Boston; Unprecedented Tisha B'Av Service Held on Convention Floor

Boston, Massachusetts: Jewish Democratic delegates, leaders, and elected officials gathered yesterday before the official start of the 2004 Democratic National Convention to honor Senator Joe Lieberman (CT) with the National Jewish Democratic Council's inaugural "John F. Kennedy Leadership Award." A capacity-crowd of approximately 300 Jewish Democrats attended the luncheon, including many Jewish Democratic members of the United States House and Senate. Those who spoke in honor of Senator Lieberman included Senator Ron Wyden (OR) and Representatives Langevin (RI), Israel (NY), Sherman (CA), Engel (NY), Schiff (CA), and Berman (CA).

The event's master of ceremonies, NJDC Executive Committee member Steve Grossman, noted in his remarks that he regards helping to found the NJDC as one of the "most important achievements" of his life. Cameron Kerry, brother of Senator John Kerry, spoke of his brother's abiding commitment to the Jewish state. The award was jointly presented to Senator Lieberman by NJDC National Chairman Ambassador Arthur Schechter and NJDC Executive Committee member Bren Simon.

In his comments, Senator Lieberman noted that Senator Kerry is "ready to be the president that America needs now." He added that Senator Kerry "has been with Israel 100 percent of the time," and that Senator Kerry's is a "strong and principled foreign policy" that "understands the values that tie us deeply to Israel."

Following the closing gavel of Monday night's session of the Democratic Convention, Jewish delegates, staff, and convention guests gathered on the convention floor for a traditional Tisha B'Av service, led by Rabbi William Hamilton of Congregation Tifereth Israel in Brookline. The service included the traditional evening prayer service, followed by the chanting of the Book of Lamentations, or "Eichah."