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November 10, 2010

Jewish Dems Denounce West’s Appointment of Kaufman

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINTON, DC- The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) today condemned Republican Congressman-elect Allen West’s (R-FL) decision to appoint talk radio host Joyce Kaufman as his Chief of Staff. NJDC President and CEO David A. Harris said upon hearing of Kaufman’s appointment:

“Congressman-elect Allen West’s constituents - but especially his Jewish constituents - should be deeply concerned that he has selected incendiary talk radio host Joyce Kaufman to be his chief of staff. Kaufman’s declarations that President Barack Obama’s Jewish supporters ‘don’t embrace being Jews anymore’ and are ‘not serious about saving’ Israel because they’ve ‘stopped caring’ are not only offensive, they call into question whether West can effectively represent his Jewish constituents and his congressional district.

West demonstrated profoundly questionable judgment in choosing a radio host with no policy experience to be his Chief of Staff, and American Jews have every right to be outraged. Kaufman’s record is truly in a class of its own. In addition to her comments about the Jewish community, her remarks about immigration indicate that she does not intend to work seriously on achieving comprehensive immigration reform with her Democratic colleagues -  or, for that matter, even with her Republican colleagues.

West’s decision to appoint Kaufman is a clear indication that he is not ready for prime time. It is also in keeping with the wider trend in which today’s Republican Party is moving further and further to the right by the day, moving ever farther away from the vast majority of American Jews.”


Kaufman’s comments on Jews can be heard here.

Kaufman’s comments on immigration can be read here and heard here.

More about Kaufman’s 20 year career in right-wing talk radio can be read here.