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January 5, 2011

NJDC Welcomes Representative Karen Bass to the 112th Congress

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC- Marc R. Stanley, Chair of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), and David A. Harris, NJDC’s President and CEO, today jointly issued the following statement welcoming Representative Karen Bass (D-CA) to the 112th Congress:

“The National Jewish Democratic Council extends a warm welcome and our best wishes to Representative Karen Bass as she begins her term in the 112th Congress. We look forward to joining with Bass in the coming weeks and months as we work to protect the monumental changes for which we all fought so hard during the 111th Congress.

During her tenure as the 67th Speaker of the California Assembly, Bass was a leading advocate for health care reform, education reform, and other social reforms.  Because of her demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of California’s families, NJDC is confidant that Bass will stand up for the values of the American Jewish community and will fight against the Republican Party’s increasingly extremist right-wing agenda.  In the coming months, NJDC will continue to fulfill our mission and serve as a central resource for Bass and other Democratic office holders.”