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May 23, 2011

NJDC Leaders Meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Listed in: Israel, Press Releases

Leaders of the National Jewish Democratic Council met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today at Blair House, across from the White House. Leaders of the NJDC were glad to meet with the Prime Minister alongside leaders from the Republican Jewish Coalition, given NJDC’s long-standing commitment to strong bipartisan support for Israel. During their meeting, the Prime Minister and top NJDC and Democratic leaders—including Chairman of the NJDC Marc R. Stanley,  DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DCCC Chair Rep. Steve Israel and President and CEO of the NJDC David A. Harris—discussed the strong, unshakable relations between the United States and Israel.

Stanley and Harris issued the following statement on behalf of the National Jewish Democratic Council after meeting with the Prime Minister:

“We leave our meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu even more certain that he will continue to be a strong partner with President Barack Obama as both nations seek a path towards peace in the Middle East that promotes and defends a secure,  democratic Jewish State of Israel.

“While we don’t see eye to eye with the leadership of the Republican Jewish Coalition on many domestic policies, when it comes to the need for a powerfully strong U.S.-Israel relationship, on this we agree. We welcome this opportunity to place partisanship aside and discuss ways we can work together to help our close ally Israel—just as we strive every day to keep Israel from being used as a partisan wedge issue in the political arena. As we’ve said repeatedly, the stakes are too high for such antics.

“We are confident that the shared goals and desires of both nations are far stronger than the counterproductive political rhetoric and false statements that some have tried to put forward during this productive and important visit. We look forward to doing everything we can to aid President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu as they continue the unprecedented strategic partnership between our two countries.”