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March 29, 2001

NJDC Mourns the Passing of Representative Sisisky

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Ira N. Forman, Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, made the following statement regarding the death today of Rep. Norman Sisisky (D-VA):

"Since being elected to the House of Representatives in 1982, Congressman Sisisky has served as a role model to many members of the National Jewish Democratic Council. He was an extremely effective legislator who always tended to the needs of his constituents in southern Virginia. He was a tireless advocate for our nation's defense, and he stood tall for the values NJDC's members cherish. In addition, he was one of the few members of the House who consistently tried to work across party lines in order to tackle our nation's most pressing problems.

"Rep. Sisisky's leadership in Virginia and in Washington will be sorely missed. We at NJDC extend our deepest condolences to the Congressman's wife, Rhoda, and to his entire family."