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September 26, 2002

NJDC Supports Daschle

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) today strongly seconded yesterday's remarks by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, concerning the need for bipartisanship in debating national security.

"There is no more important debate than the question of our response to the dangers posed by the despicable regime in Iraq. And it is absolutely essential that such a debate is free of partisan considerations and attacks on lawmakers' patriotism," said NJDC Vice-Chair David Steiner. "Majority Leader Daschle could not have been more correct when he urged the president to bring us together - not pull us apart - as we undertake the debate regarding how best to protect and defend our national security.

"House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt was also on target when he urged the President to 'take security out of politics,'" added Mr. Steiner.