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June 1, 2010

NJDC Regrets Loss of Life; Supports Israel’s Rights; Applauds Obama Administration’s Efforts

Listed in: Israel, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC, Ira N. Forman, CEO of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), issued the following statement in response to the recent confrontation between the Israeli Defense Forces and the flotilla attempting to break the blockade of Gaza:


“We at the National Jewish Democratic Council are saddened by the regrettable loss of life during this weekend’s events. We know that Israel will investigate the matter fully and impartially, as it has done in the past.  


However, every nation has a right to self-defense and Israel is no exception. Israel has a responsibility to enforce its naval blockade as a means to protect its citizens from the ever-present threat of weapons entering the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip – weapons that historically have been trained on Israeli civilians and soldiers alike. Those around the world who are so quick to judge Israel should pause and reflect upon how they would react if challenged under similar circumstances – since they would most likely react in the same way, in defense of the security of their citizens.


The American Jewish community should also understand the role that our government has played in the past 24 hours, from President Barack Obama’s close contact with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to our representation at the United Nations. As Politico reported today, it appears that President Obama is the only world leader to give Israel the benefit of the doubt regarding this unfortunate incident.


NJDC applauds President Obama and his Administration for all of their productive efforts in support of Israel. The Obama Administration’s successful work to keep this incident in perspective – and replace a one-sided anti-Israel statement within the UN Security Council with a more measured one – demonstrates yet again that President Obama will not waiver from America’s time-honored responsibility to  ensure that Israel is treated in a fair manner in international bodies. Through its actions, the Obama Administration has made it clear that a biased investigation into the matter will not be tolerated and that Israel’s enemies will not be able to use this incident as a tool to delegitimize the Jewish State.


Jewish Democrats as well as the entire pro-Israel community should be grateful for President Obama’s commendable leadership on this matter.”