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February 1, 2011

NJDC Honors Randi Weingarten with Belle Moskowitz Award for Political Leadership

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC - Yesterday evening, the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) honored Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) with the Belle Moskowitz Award for political leadership. The award was presented during a reception held at the AFT headquarters in Washington, DC. Marc R. Stanley, NJDC Chair, David A. Harris, NJDC President and CEO, Ann F. Lewis, the inaugural recipient of the Belle Moskowitz Award, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU) were on-hand to give Weingarten the award.

Belle Moskowitz became one the most politically influential Jewish woman in the United States when she served as close political advisor to New York Governor and 1928 presidential candidate Al Smith. Moskowitz is someone who has left us an example of wise political influence for progressive causes.

Marc R. Stanley, NJDC Chair said, “NJDC is pleased to honor Randi Weingarten, who portrays strong leadership in the Belle Moskowitz tradition, with this year’s award. Weingarten has been a true leader in the education community and we look forward to working with her in the coming weeks and months.”

Weingarten was elected president of the 1.5-million-member AFT, AFL-CIO -
which represents teachers; paraprofessionals and school-related personnel; higher education faculty and staff; nurses and other healthcare professionals; local, state and federal employees; and early childhood educators - in July 2008 following 11 years of service as an AFT vice president.

“Randi Weingarten is not only a masterful labor leader and a smart, savvy education policy expert, she is a dear and loyal friend,” noted Senator Chuck Schumer. “I am delighted that the NJDC has honored her with the Belle Moskowitz Award. Like Belle Moskowitz, Randi will go down in history as one of the most effective voices in New York progressive politics.”

“Randi could not be more deserving of the Belle Moskowitz award. She is a leader, innovator, and true inspiration to those in the field of education and to all those who care about the needs of working people,” said Stuart Appelbaum. “We have seen her set and accomplish big goals, working effectively to make real change happen. I am proud to call Randi a colleague and a friend.”

“Randi Weingarten is a great example of the model set by Belle Moskowitz: a courageous, effective advocate for progressive values, and a wise strategist who knows how to accomplish change - inside and outside the political system,” said Ann F. Lewis. “Her leadership in supporting public education and innovative educational policies is making a difference today, and will set the standard for years to come.”

“I try, as do the educators in this nation, to make a difference every day, to make the lives of others better. To do so, we have to work with others - even those with whom we may disagree with - and find a common ground,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten.

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Photos from the event are available here.