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December 7, 2010

NJDC Praises the Jewish Policy Center’s Position on Energy Policy

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Points to emerging bipartisan consensus on this critical issue

WASHINGTON, DC - David A. Harris, President and CEO of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), today issued the following statement praising the conservative Jewish Policy Center’s (JPC) recently-circulated article titled “Moving Beyond ‘Drill, Baby, Drill:’”

“In a recent article on our nation’s energy policy, the conservative Jewish Policy Center called the Republicans’ ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ approach ‘an ill-advised attempt to rally Republicans around a simplistic and unrealistic answer to the nation’s energy concerns.’ We could not agree more. NJDC praises this conservative Jewish think tank for taking this position, especially as it points the way towards an emerging bipartisan consensus on this issue - and away from some of the tired and unsustainable energy policies of the GOP.

Reforming our nation’s energy policy is crucial to our economic wellbeing and our nation’s long-term security. We agree with the JPC that a new approach is needed to address our energy concerns and that ‘it is in the nation’s interest to be a world leader in developing technologies that will power the future.’ We look forward to working with the JPC and other groups on both sides of the aisle on this critical issue.”