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May 6, 2010

NJDC Praises Ambassador Michael Oren’s Candid Comments at Dinner Honoring DNC Chair Gov. Tim Kaine

Listed in: Israel, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC - On Tuesday, May 4 Jewish community leaders, Democratic Party officials and others gathered at a dinner in honor of DNC Chairman Governor Tim Kaine, hosted by Ambassador Michael Oren at his Washington home. National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) leadership including Chairman Marc Stanley, Executive Committee member and DNC At-Large member Sunita Leeds, CEO Ira Forman, and President David Harris were among those in attendance. Ambassador Oren made strong and candid comments praising President Barack Obama and his administration, as well as the administration’s powerful support for the State of Israel.

David A. Harris, President of NJDC, issued the following statement praising the Ambassador’s remarks:


“Ambassador Oren could not have been more clear during his remarks - President Obama is a true friend to Israel and the U.S. - Israel relationship remains rock solid. We applaud the Ambassador for working tirelessly to clear up any misconceptions and rumors about the relationship between the two allies as he did in his remarks to us, which echo his frequent comments in the press and on television.

It is our hope that those in the community will take note of what the Ambassador says. There is no room for equivocation or partisan game playing; the U.S. - Israel relationship must remain a bipartisan issue.”