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October 27, 2008

Jewish Dems Condemn PA GOP Anti-Obama Holocaust Email as Unacceptable

Listed in: Stop the Smears, NJDC News, Press Releases

Forman: “In a year of dirty Republican tactics used in the Jewish community, this email is particularly loathsome. These attacks must stop, and the people responsible should be exposed.”

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Jewish Democratic Council (NDJC) condemns an anti-Obama email sent out to 75,000 Jewish voters late last week by Pennsylvania Republicans.

“These kinds of outrageous attacks suggesting that a vote for Senator Barack Obama could bring another Holocaust are offensive and horribly dishonest,” said Ira N. Forman, NJDC Executive Director. “While we knew that this election would be nasty, this has gone too far. Such tactics spread lies and attempt to suppress the Jewish vote.”

The email, which was signed by three leading Jewish Pennsylvania Republicans, I. Michael Coslov, Mitchell Morgan, and The Honorable Sandra Schultz Newman, stated, “Jewish Americans cannot afford to make the wrong decision on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake. Let's not make a similar one this year,” and was “Paid for by Republican Federal Committee of PA - Victory 2008.”

The Associated Press reported, “Political consultant Bryan Rudnick was identified as the person responsible for [the email]….[Rudnick claimed,] ‘I had authorization from party officials’ to send the e-mail, Rudnick said, but he declined to say who had signed off on it. ‘I'm not looking to drag anyone else through the mud, so I'm not naming names right now,’ he said” (Pennsylvania GOP disavows inflammatory e-mail, Associated Press, October 25, 2008).

“Though it is good that the Pennsylvania Republican Party finally disavowed this slimy tactic, the Jewish community deserves to know who gave Rudnick the authority or if he and the signers are solely responsible. In a year of dirty Republican tactics used in the Jewish community, this email is particularly loathsome. These attacks must stop, and the people responsible should be exposed,” said Forman.