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May 24, 2011

NJDC Applauds Bipartisan Language in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

Listed in: Israel, Press Releases

This morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress with a message of partnership and bipartisanship. During the speech,  the Prime Minister thanked Congress and the American people for their unshakeable commitment to Israeli security and laid out more specifics about his plans to move the peace process in the Middle East forward.

Prime Minister Netanyahu also signaled the importance of keeping Israel and Israeli security a non-partisan issue. The Prime Minister acknowledged various friends from both sides of the aisle, echoing his speech last night at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference. The joint session was attended by Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) Marc R. Stanley and President and CEO of the NJDC, David A. Harris. Stanley and Harris issued this joint statement this afternoon after the joint session.

“Support for Israel isn’t a Republican issue, it isn’t a Democratic issue, it is an American issue. The future safety and security of a democratic, Jewish State of Israel is safeguarded when we all work together, not when we resort to petty political games and finger pointing.”

“Prime Minister Netanyahu’s specific appeal for bipartisan support for Israel at the outset of his address—thanking the broad array of pro-Israel Democrats and Republicans alike for their staunch support—was both important and deeply appreciated. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congress was truly a tour de force, and his repeated thanks to President Barack Obama and the bipartisan support in Congress were noted by all. Moreover, his clear statement before this joint meeting of Congress—quoting the President’s own words regarding future borders for Israel as a basis for negotiations, about which there has been so much unfortunate confusion—should put the matter to bed once and for all. We thank Prime Minister Netanyahu for his leadership, vision and presence before Congress today.”

“It is our hope that in the wake of this historic visit, that both Republicans and Democrats alike speak with one voice. While we may not always agree on the path forward in domestic issues, we must present a unified voice in our support for Israel and resist all urges to turn it into a damaging partisan fight.”