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March 30, 2012

NJDC Lauds Obama for Vital Determination on Iran Sanctions

Listed in: Other Foreign Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC- The National Jewish Democratic Council today applauded President Barack Obama’s actions to further sanction Iran’s oil industry. NJDC President and CEO David A. Harris said:

“The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) is pleased to see that after careful analysis and examination, President Barack Obama has issued a vital determination today regarding the oil supply on world markets—paving the way for further harsh sanctions targeted against Iran’s oil industry. Today’s announcement marks the latest major step that this President has taken to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran, and we are truly grateful for his decisive action.

“As the President recently said, ‘all elements of American power’ are on the table to stop Iran— including ‘crippling sanctions’ like the ones he is strengthening today, as well as the potential military option that he has regularly cited. His Republican critics—who have done little beyond criticizing and engaging in outright lies about the President’s record, while offering no responsible alternatives—should take note: President Obama is responsibly spearheading the global movement against Iran’s nuclear weapons program. At least surrounding this one critical issue,  GOP partisans should cease placing politics above America’s and Israel’s security immediately.”