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June 30, 2009

NJDC: Time for Franken to be Seated in U.S. Senate

Listed in: NJDC News, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC - Marc R. Stanley, Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC), released the following statement:

NJDC welcomes the unanimous decision by the Minnesota Supreme Court rejecting former Senator Norm Coleman’s legal appeal. We trust that this decision will pave the way for Al Franken to take office as the duly elected senator and serve the people of Minnesota.

Coleman and his advisors should take this opportunity to concede.  Whether he does or not, we urge Governor Tim Pawlenty to sign the election certificate - allowing Minnesotans the full representation in the Senate that they have been denied for too long.

Any further delays will only reinforce the idea that Coleman’s legal fight was more about partisan Republican politics than sound legal reasoning.

After nearly eight months since Election Day, it is now time for Franken to be seated in the Senate.