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October 29, 2002

Unfair Anti-Cleland Ad Is “Politics at Its Lowest”

Listed in: Other Domestic Policy, NJDC News, Press Releases

Washington, DC: An advertisement criticizing Georgia Senator Max Cleland for being silent on anti-Semitism was slammed today as being "grossly unfair" and "an example of politics at its lowest." The ad, signed by Republicans from the Atlanta area, accuses Senator Cleland of being unresponsive towards controversial Representative Cynthia McKinney (GA), who had antagonized many in the Jewish community for her Israel-related votes in the House. The ad goes on to endorse Cleland's election opponent, Congressman Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), who has trailed Cleland throughout the Senate campaign.

"This ad represents partisan politics at its lowest," said National Jewish Democratic Council Executive Director Ira N. Forman. "Max Cleland has been a stellar friend and supporter of Israel and the Jewish community in the Senate. He has been recognized as a 'Defender of Religious Freedom,' he has been awarded the Medal of Merit by the Jewish War Veterans' organization, and he received the 'Scoop Jackson Distinguished Service Award' by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. His voting record on aid to Israel and support for Israel's security needs is unblemished. These are hardly the credentials of someone complicit in anti-Semitism. And in addition to his powerful support for Israel, Senator Cleland agrees with the overwhelming majority of American Jews on a host of domestic issues as well, including support for reproductive choice and protecting our environment.

"This sort of sleazy, last-minute attack against a respected member of Congress with a strong pro-Israel record is simply wrong, and it should be rejected as such."