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Ehud Barak Corrects Fox News Host on Obama’s Support for Israel

Jason Attermann — August 4, 2011 – 3:28 pm | Comments (3) Add a comment

Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak appeared on Fox News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren and answered questions on the Iranian threat, the peace process, and President Barack Obama.

When Van Susteren asked if Israelis felt “disenchanted” by the Obama Administration, Barak responded [emphasis added]:

No. Our countries are good friends. And I’m the minister of defense, I can tell you that I can hardly remember - I was in uniform for decades - I can hardly remember a better period of support, American support and backing and cooperation and similar strategic understanding of events around us than what we have right now.

And it’s true that not all the Israelis are really happy with the positions of the administration, but I should tell you honestly that the president didn’t say that Israel should go back to the borders of ‘67. He made it very clear that he thinks that Palestinians deserve a state of their own. We also believe in two states, Israel side by side - secure Israel side by side with a demilitarized Palestinian state that will basically have the same area that’s West Bank and Gaza Strip had before ‘67 with certain swaps, with understanding of the transformation on the ground…. Some security consideration we take into account. I don’t think that contradicts what the president said.

Below is the video of Barak’s interview. Skip to 3:06 to hear the question about Obama’s relationship with Israel.



Richard Schwartz | August 5, 2011 – 4:59 pm

Republicans try to distort Obama’s record on Israel in order to gain votes. So, it is important that this message and similar messages be widely spread.

Dina | August 7, 2011 – 9:51 pm

Obama may not be failing Israel, but just like Bibi, he is failing the middle class big time. Democrats need a Democrat such as Bernad Sanders to run in the presidential primaries. Against Obama!

Gary Pace | September 16, 2011 – 8:16 am

The problem with that is Bernnie Sanders is not a Democrat. He is a socialist.

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