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Rabbis Supporting Obama: President is “Second to None” on Israel

Sari Weintraub — October 11, 2012 – 11:40 am | Barack Obama | Election 2012 Comments (0) Add a comment

In an op-ed released this week, Rabbis Steven Bob, Sam Gordon, and Burt Vizotzky praised the president for his domestic and foreign policy achievements, a record that “reflects the embodiment of our deepest obligations: tikkun olam, tzedakah, shalom-to repair the world, to pursue justice, to seek peace.” They wrote:

When the president spoke to the Union for Reform Judaism late last year, he offered an unexpected d’var torah on that week’s parsha, delivering a powerful meditation on the term ‘hineini-“Here I am.”’

As he made clear in those remarks, his words are not meant as hollow promises; they reflect tangible actions. As he has done throughout his first-term in office, on the priorities important to American Jews, President Obama answers: ‘Here I am.’

... And on yet another core value, shalom, the president has earned our trust and support-because he knows full well that the pursuit of a lasting peace for Israel is contingent on the safety and security of the Jewish state. His achievements for Israel are second to none.

...This is the character of President Obama-always there, prepared to carry the banner of our values, ready to move forward for peace, for justice, and for a better world.

As it is written in the Book of Proverbs, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ Luckily for our community and our country, our president is a man of vision and strong character, integrity and faith. His values are Jewish values. They’re American values. We need his values in the White House for four more years.

Click here to read the full op-ed.



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