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Obama Uses Faith Based Office As Policy Support

David Streeter — September 1, 2009 – 10:14 am | Barack Obama | Democrats | Domestic Policy | Reproductive Rights | Separation of Church & State | Women's Issues Comments (0) Add a comment

In his recent article for U.S. News and World Report, Dan Gilgoff analyzes the changes that have taken place in the White House’s Office of Faith Based Initiatives. Gilgoff writes, “the Obama office gives religious leaders a real voice in shaping policy while deemphasizing its role under Bush as a matchmaker between religious groups and the national piggybank.” President Barack Obama has charged the office with four main policy goals:

  1. Bringing faith groups into economic recovery efforts
  2. Fighting poverty
  3. Reducing abortion demand and promoting responsible fatherhood
  4. Facilitating respectful global interfaith dialogue

Religious leaders, including the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s Rabbi David Saperstein, have hailed Obama’s overhaul of the office as an important step in forging a strong, constructive partnership between faith communities and the government.


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