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NJDC to Rush: Today’s Continued Nazi Rhetoric “Unconscionable”

Aaron Keyak — August 10, 2009 – 4:42 pm | Abusive Holocaust Rhetoric | Barack Obama | Republicans | Stop the Smears Comments (0) Add a comment

Today, Rush Limbaugh continued his ongoing Nazi rhetoric when he compared President Barack Obama’s website to Hitler’s “youth movement.”

Last week, Limbaugh compared Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to Hitler - and his website featured the logo of the president’s health insurance reform plan morphing into a Nazi graphic replete with swastikas.

On Friday, the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) launched a petition calling on Clear Channel Communications (the parent company of Premiere Radio Networks which produces “The Rush Limbaugh Show”) to “stop allowing Limbaugh to abuse the memory of the more than 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime.”

They did not get the message. 

“We are profoundly disturbed by Limbaugh’s unsympathetic demeanor. Today, Limbaugh continued his unconscionable Nazi rhetoric,” said David A. Harris, NJDC President. “Perhaps more horrifying than Limbaugh’s words may be his systematic implementation of his twisted Nazi analogies. Limbaugh continues to repeat his attacks on the air and through his website - enough is enough.”

Click here to sign the petition and


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