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A Bombshell in Kentucky

NJDC Intern — August 28, 2014 – 3:13 pm | 2014 Election | Republicans | Ron Paul Comments (0) Add a comment

A recent bombshell struck the reelection campaign for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky. His campaign manager, Jesse Benton, was implicated in a two year old scandal in Iowa. Benton was the manager for Ron Paul’s campaign to win the Iowa Republican caucus. He has been implicated in a bribery scheme paying an Iowa state senator for his support. Rachel Maddow discussed this issue on her show August 27th.

This scandal comes after McConnell was recorded promising the Koch brothers he would pursue their agenda, and, is especially important as this November Democrats have the opportunity to oust Mitch McConnell. Kentuckians have the chance to replace him with a Democrat. Alison Lundergan Grimes, McConnell’s opponent, is a champion of progressive issues. She has promised to strengthen Medicare by “looking for ways to spend smarter.” She proposes working to improve the coordination between doctors, hospitals, and other care providers to keep drug costs down and overall improve America’s healthcare system.

McConnell, on the other hand, can turn away voters for more reasons than a scandalous campaign manager. He has adapted his party’s mantra “repeal and replace Obamacare.” But the only proposals he has offered to replace the Affordable Care Act with is fighting medical malpractice and selling insurance across state lines, which would be about as effective as emptying the ocean with a bucket.

But Grimes has yet to drive home McConnell’s lack of regard for character in those whom he employs. She is pushing a progressive agenda that doesn’t end with healthcare. She plans to create jobs by “cutting red tape and allowing businesses to grow,” saying that, as Kentucky’s Secretary of State, she “worked with both parties to create a one-stop shop for Kentucky businesses to interact with multiple state agencies through one point of contact.” Grimes also wants to tackle the deficit by eliminating waste, make college more affordable by giving students the same loan rate as Wall Street banks and allowing students to refinance loans. She has also pledged to fight for equal pay for equal work. All pretty standard stuff. She needs to push the Senator on the character issue.

If there’s one thing to be said for McConnell, it’s his experience. Having taken office in 1985, he’s the longest serving U.S. Senator in Kentucky history, and he has led Senate Republicans as Minority Leader since 2007. But this is also one of his greatest drawbacks. He has led Republicans to filibuster bill after bill, doing his best to crush Obama at any cost. He even acknowledged his number one goal as leader was to defeat Obama, and he has shown that he’s willing to bring America to her knees just so his party can get more power.

The balance of the Senate is delicate, and every state counts. If Democrats want to hold onto their majority, they need a minimum of fifty seats. They need every win they can get. And so we’ll all be watching this race in Kentucky.


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