Last week, President Barack Obama and his family wished Jews around the world a Happy Chanukah. Now it’s our turn.
Please sign NJDC’s Chanukah card to President Obama by Thursday at noon (ET) so that we can include your name when we deliver it to the White House. Also be sure to have your family and friends sign too.
The card should wish him a Merry Christmas. He is a Christian, not a Jew and doesn’t personally celebrate Hanukah. Suppose a Jew was president of the US (or a company) and did what he could to ensure that Christmas was recognized, would we want a Christian group to wish him a Merry Christmas?
Why not?
I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday and a Healthy, Happy, and Peaceful New Year.
The best way to promote the security, safety, and happiness of Jews and Americans and to defeat terrorism is to end Israel’s unlawful occupation of the occupied territories, and to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Thank you for trying so hard to get this country to fulfill its personal best. Have a wonderful and healty holiday.
Happy Hanukkah and thank you Mr. President:
Please counter attack the Republicans and instituted anti-trust legislation against the insurance companies. Also attack the Republicans and the conservative media instead of doing their bidding by creating more violence in Afghanistan.
Keep pursuing peace in Israel/Palestine. We are behind you and cannot achieve this goal without you!
Best wishes this holiday season.
Stay centered and in tune with your inner compass to guide you through your presidency. Good will bless America through you.
Thank you, Mr. President, for working so hard to improve the lives of your fellow Americans. I wish, for you and your family, what I wish for my own: Peace and Good Health.
Happy Holidays to you and your family. Keep
trying to do what is right for the American
people and don’t mind the other side. They can
say “no” all they want, they are irrelevant.
I wish you and yours all the blessings of health, patience and strength to deal with what you need to do to keep us safe, prosperous, and kinder towards one another. Take a break soon to deep breathe and recharge, for your sake as well as ours.
Happy holidays! and congratulations on Nobel Prize—i think you deserved it.
Thanks Obama, keep up the great work!