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CPAC Straw Poll Winner Ron Paul Miserable on Israel

NJDC — February 22, 2010 – 2:14 pm | Election 2012 | Israel | Republicans Comments (36) Add a comment

At this weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gathering in Washington, Texas Representative Ron Paul took the clear lead in a straw poll expressing a preference for a GOP 2012 presidential candidate. Paul’s 31% showing—based on more than 3,000 votes cast—bested former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and dramatically outstripped former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and others. Echoing other media reports, Politico noted that the famous straw poll had been “thought to offer a window into which White House hopefuls were favored by movement conservatives.”


Rep. Paul has been widely seen to have a miserable record on Israel, both in Congress and in public statements. During the 2008 campaign, a Haaretz article quoted Paul as saying, “The assumption is that AIPAC is in control of things, and they control the votes, and they get everybody to vote against anything that would diminish the [Iraq] war.” The same article repeated his preference for the cessation of all U.S. aid to Israel, noting that when it comes to the U.S., “Israel doesn’t really ‘need us.’” On his own website, he noted that “Palestinians are confined to a ‘concentration camp’” during the Gaza conflict in January, 2009. In Congress, Paul voted “no” on Iran sanctions legislation; he also voted against recognizing Israel’s 61st anniversary and the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, and he has consistently opposed U.S.-led peace efforts in the region. Ron Paul’s newsletters over the decades have been riddled with racist and anti-gay writings as well.


“Conservatives have come together at their preeminent annual gathering, and they’ve said clearly and loudly who they most want to see as their standard-bearer in 2012 – and to say that person has a horrendous record on Israel and other issues of Jewish concern is a wild understatement,” said National Jewish Democratic Council President David A. Harris. “Ron Paul is a man who misses no opportunity in Congress to vote against the U.S.-Israel relationship, but his record goes much deeper than that. From his unacceptable statements about Gaza, to the Ron Paul newsletter wondering aloud if the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was perpetrated by Israel, Paul is beyond the pale.


“The fact that the hearts and souls of the conservative movement have a clearly expressed preference for Ron Paul as their 2012 candidate demonstrates yet again the vast and growing chasm between the American Jewish community and the Republican, conservative movement,” Harris added.


CB | February 22, 2010 – 4:47 pm

I am a Republican - but Ron Paul is the WORST thing that can happen. Isolationism   is not the answer. Constitutionally speaking the United States is sworn to bring democracy worldwide. And as far as Israel, they are the only democracy on the region - we lose that - we’re done

Rolland | February 22, 2010 – 10:01 pm

CB, you are a moron. Have you actually read the US Constitution? NOWHERE does it say the US is sworn to bring democracy worldwide or even hint to anything to that effect. In fact, the founding fathers cautioned against the very kind of entangling alliances you suggest.

Non-intervention does not equal Isolationism. How thick is your skull to not get that?

As for the article, just another bunch of tripe that select only the parts regarding Israel with regards to Dr Paul denouncing foreign aid. He is against all foreign aid, not just Israel.

Get a clue!

Russ | February 22, 2010 – 10:07 pm

CB are you sure you are a Republican? You sound more a like a pro-Israel nut.

Paleoconservative | February 22, 2010 – 10:18 pm

Ron Paul 2012. Abolish the Federal Reserve.

Eric S. | February 22, 2010 – 10:19 pm

“Constitutionally speaking the United States is sworn to bring democracy worldwide. “

Cb, you sir are a joke. You may as well say Constitutionally speaking the United States is a giant unicorn.

Read the Constitution moron. It ain’t in there.

Jeffrey | February 22, 2010 – 10:28 pm

Israel is not part of Ron Paul’s congressional district., last I checked it is not part of the United States.
When did Israel become a legal dependent of my tax dollars? When did they waive their sovereignty and decide they are entitled to receive a cut of my wages or that of my neighbor?
When will they decide to be an independent nation who doesn’t describe a foreign congressman’s voting record is “miserable” because he is against giving them money and weapons?
All the best to Israel- I hope they are a prosperous and happy nation, but I am not responsible for paying for their well-being.

Andrea | February 23, 2010 – 12:31 am

Ron Paul @ 31% is a pox on the Tea Party, Constitutional politics, Conservatism as I understand it, as well as, our USA commitment to never weaken our support of Israel, even tho we realize they have made mistakes, but so have we!!

Rich | February 23, 2010 – 12:41 am

CB….really? In our Constitution it says we’re supposed to bring democracy worldwide? I must have missed that page…oh wait…it doesn’t exist. Ron Paul is not an isolationist, he just believes we FOLLOW the Constitution and declare war through congress, NOT whenever we feel like it.

I consider myself a Constitutionalist and this new wave of Conservative that is warping the Constitution to fit their agenda without really grasping it is very troubling.

Mence | February 23, 2010 – 1:28 am

Is he good to Palestinians at least?

Anti Federalist | February 23, 2010 – 1:34 am

Ron Paul is good for America.

That comes before whatever may be perceived as good for any other nation.


GMW | February 23, 2010 – 2:04 am

CB, please point me to the part of the constitution that says we are sworn to bring democracy worldwide.

RP wants to talk and trade with all nations. That’s NOT isolationism.

To the author, why don’t you print Paul’s views in full, instead of cherry picking what fits your agenda? He doesn’t believe taxpayer money should be given to any country. I happen to agree.

friend | February 23, 2010 – 2:32 am

I am not Jewish so my perspective may be a bit irrelevant here, but I am a huge supporter of Ron Paul and I don’t think it’s fair to paint him as some type of anti-semite.  Dr. Paul believes Israel is a strong state with good intelligence and capable defense, and they don’t need us hovering over them like some Mother Goose.  He is first and foremost a constitutionalist, and the constitution does not currently obligate us to protect any country outside our borders or territories.  If Israel feels that we need to give it unlimited resources and eternal protection maybe we should just make Israel a part of the US?  Does Israel want that? I have no idea but I found this great video where Paul tackles this very issue:

Jeff B. | February 23, 2010 – 2:33 am

Congressman Paul is against ALL foreign aid.  There is nothing in the Constitution giving Congress the authority to give taxpayer money to other countries.

Paul also denied writing those newsletters.

Also, about Israel not needing us, they have plenty of nuclear weapons.  They can take care of themselves without our help.

Haha | February 23, 2010 – 3:08 am

“Constitutionally speaking the United States is sworn to bring democracy worldwide”

Jay | February 23, 2010 – 3:39 am

Non-Intervention does not mean opposing Israel. It means not intervening in the affairs of foreign nations - including Israel. Israel should welcome such restraint from meddling and and support Ron Paul’s foreign policy of non-intervention in the affairs of foreign states.

Danny S | February 23, 2010 – 3:50 am

If we talk strategy of spreading democracy, US subsidization of Israel isn’t smart. Rightly or wrongly, many average Arabs oppose Israel. When these Arabs see the world’s most powerful democracy subsidizing their sworn enemy, of course it precipitates a negative reaction to America in the Middle East. That also gives a great recruiting tool to Al Qaeda and great campaign rhetoric for radical political groups like Hamas or the Brotherhood in Egypt.

LaPlante | February 23, 2010 – 4:02 am

Right on Rolland couldnt of said it better.

Douglas in Oakland | February 23, 2010 – 6:55 am

Ron Paul is the BEST thing that can happen. Ron Paul believes in a powerful military. Just not one that squanders its precious resources and the blood of our soldiers on behalf of Halliburton & Exxon Mobile.

SnowDog | February 23, 2010 – 9:11 am

So, Ron Paul is ‘miserable on Israel.’ You mean Ron Paul is miserable giving other peoples’ money to your cause.

CD | February 23, 2010 – 10:09 am

You lie. RP is not racist or anti-gay.
RP is against subsidizing all of Israel’s enemies, but you won’t print that. RP is the only one who defended Israel’s right to defend itself in the 80’s and 90’s.

BV | February 23, 2010 – 10:19 am

Love starts at home and this country needs a lot of TLC. If you can’t see that then you must be anti American.

JD | February 23, 2010 – 10:22 am

I think US non-interventionism could be the best thing to happen to Israel.

How often does the US hold Israel back from defending itself against Palestine? Ron Paul would stop all of that.

Israel would be free to pursue it’s own methods to solving the palestine problem. They are plenty capable of doing it without US involvement.

Celeste | February 23, 2010 – 1:05 pm

Jeff~You nailed it

Israel is not part of Ron Paul’s congressional district., last I checked it is not part of the United States.
When did Israel become a legal dependent of my tax dollars? When did they waive their sovereignty and decide they are entitled to receive a cut of my wages or that of my neighbor?
When will they decide to be an independent nation who doesn’t describe a foreign congressman’s voting record is “miserable” because he is against giving them money and weapons?
All the best to Israel- I hope they are a prosperous and happy nation, but I am not responsible for paying for their well-being

Ken | February 23, 2010 – 1:33 pm

The author did a great job selectively misquoting Ron Paul.  But let’s take a look at the rest of the story.

Ron Paul opposes ALL foreign aid.  It’s unconstitutional.  Do you realize for every billion dollars we give to Israel (usually with plenty of “strings” attached) we in the U.S. give TWICE that amount to Israel’s potential enemies, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others.  This money usually has NO strings attached.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu has stated in the past that Israel would be much better off without taking the U.S. handout, assuming that the U.S. also stopped giving money to all the other nations in the Middle East.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Dan | February 23, 2010 – 1:55 pm

This is a really intellectually dishonest piece. Ron Paul votes against aid to ALL nations, including many Arab nations that are considered enemies of Israel. We give 3 times as much aid to Arab nations as we do Israel, Ron Paul is responsible for none of that.

Isolationism is not the same as non-intervention. Ron Paul believes in free trade and is against NAFTA government managed trade.

Zack | February 23, 2010 – 3:53 pm

I’m a Jewish Ron Paul supporter, and also a strong supporter of Israel. However, I think that it should be my right to support Israel with tzedaka, and not forcibly extract money from the American people. Furthermore, a significant portion of our aid to Israel (I have read 75%) must be spent with US weapons manufacturers, making it yet another form of corporate welfare.
Lastly, the US gives more foreign aid to countries that profess to hate Israel (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq) than to Israel. We need to stop giving aid and selling weapons to both sides of a conflict. The military industrial complex is really the only entity winning.

Megan | February 23, 2010 – 4:48 pm

Ron Paul is showing a truly ugly side of conservatism, through his anti-semetic, homophobic, and racist writings and speeches. His views should be unacceptable to us as Americans, liberal and conservative alike.

Kevin | February 23, 2010 – 7:20 pm

Whether RP supports foreign to Israel, or any other place, is not the real issue. Take the trouble to read his positions, and you’ll see that he’s off the deep end, and to make matters worse, he’s a self-professed bigot. These are qualities we would admire in our President?

Muriel Goldsmith | February 23, 2010 – 7:22 pm

How sad that Ron Paul, who has shown himself to be a bigot, is also devoid of important Jewish values. Obviously, Jews who support him are running from those values. And how sad that the GOP has to cope with being identified by someone who displays such a racist, homophobic nature.

mickey | February 23, 2010 – 7:28 pm

When Ron Paul spoke at the CPAC meeting, one of the conference sponsors was the John Birch Society. Says it all right there about Paul and what he stands for!  What a disgrace for the American people in that he represents some of them. UGH!

Jeff | February 23, 2010 – 7:52 pm

Ron Paul’s newsletters have revealed a range of bigotry that is as broad as it is despicable.  It is amazing that someone with his history is considered of presidential timber by anyone.

You can view several of them here:

An excerpt from TNR:

In the early 1990s, newsletters attacked the “X-Rated Martin Luther King” as a “world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours,” “seduced underage girls and boys,” and “made a pass at” fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy. One newsletter ridiculed black activists who wanted to rename New York City after King, suggesting that “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,” and “Lazyopolis” were better alternatives. The same year, King was described as “a comsymp, if not an actual party member, and the man who replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.”

While bashing King, the newsletters had kind words for the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. “

This article contains so much more from Ron Paul’s newsletters, and is quite damning. Of all people, libertarians should believe in individual and corporate responsibility, and Ron Paul should not be allowed to run away from what he has published under his name and for his own profit and/or advancement.

George Wallace | February 23, 2010 – 8:41 pm

Finally, a candidate who can wear my mantle or, should I say, hood, with distinction. Ron Paul is my kind of man. Although I was known as “the most influential loser” in 20th-century U.S. politics, I’m sure Ron Paul can win the title for the 21st century. Power to the pinheads, I mean people.

JRF | February 23, 2010 – 8:49 pm

It is possible to be conservative without being racist and homophobic.  Shame on Ron Paul for not being able to state his values without demeaning others.

Sheila | February 24, 2010 – 12:36 am

That “George Wallace” comment is excellent. Indeed, it’s sad that such an opponent of Israel, a would-be David Duke, is seen as a person to elect to high office in the U.S.A. There should be minimum qualifications for earning votes…like maybe a heart, a brain, and some human decency?

BV | February 25, 2010 – 10:35 am

Let’s all play the race card and force our will onto the public. C’mon guys, this will be fun!

To JRF | February 26, 2010 – 1:35 am

Shame on you, JRF, for being manipulative. I’m an Indian and I (just like my other friends from other races) can vouch for Ron Paul.

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