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Op-Ed: “America’s journey and Obama”

Aaron Keyak — November 17, 2008 – 11:43 am | Barack Obama | Election 2008 Comments (0) Add a comment

Rabbi Menachem Genack, chief executive officer of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division, wrote a great op-ed for JTA this week titled, "America’s journey and Obama." In this piece, Genack talks about what the election of President-elect Obama means for the Jewish community.

Here's an excerpt.

"I have been proud to be part of a strong, bipartisan consensus that has stood by Israel in the face of all threats. That is a commitment that both John McCain and I share because support for Israel in this country goes beyond party."

Obama later said, "Those who threaten Israel threaten us," and "I will bring to the White House an unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security."

Over the last eight years the American brand has been eroded and its prestige in the world diminished as we have become a go-alone nation, now with an economy in crisis. If America is weakened, Israel is weakened. When people asked me who to vote for, I would respond, "Vote for the person who you think is best for America. He is the person who is best for Israel."

Please click here to read the rest.


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