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Jewish Dems: Senate Republicans Should Be Ashamed Over “Unprecedented” Diplomatic Sabotage

NJDC — March 9, 2015 – 3:18 pm | Barack Obama | Congress | Foreign Policy | GOP Hypocrisies | Have They No Shame? | Iran | Republicans Comments (0) Add a comment

Jewish Democrats today sharply criticized Senate Republicans for attempting to sabotage diplomatic negotiations with Iran and injecting pure partisanship into the U.S.-Israel relationship. The National Jewish Democratic Council called on Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and the 46 Republican Senators who joined him in sending an open letter to the Iranian government undermining ongoing nuclear negotiations to retract the letter at once.


Greg Rosenbaum, chair of the NJDC Board of Directors, stated,


“It is simply galling that 47 United States Senators would take such an unprecedented action to attempt to sabotage diplomatic negotiations being undertaken by their very own country. Never before have dozens of members of Congress written the leaders of a foreign government with the intent to undermine the president of the United States.  While preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is of the utmost importance to both the United States and Israel, it is vital that negotiators be given the space and time they need to properly find a peaceful solution. This patronizing and insulting letter not only unnecessarily harms our country on the world’s stage, but it endangers Israel’s security and plays partisan politics with the U.S.-Israel relationship. To attempt to interfere with the work being done by negotiators on behalf of the U.S. State Department is simply outrageous, and runs the risk of setting a dangerous precedent that could undermine the credibility of any president conducting foreign policy, whatever his or her party affiliation may be. They should be ashamed.”


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