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JPost: “There are reasons why there are so few Jewish Republicans”

Aaron Keyak — October 10, 2008 – 9:50 am | Barack Obama | Democrats | Election 2008 | Israel | Stop the Smears Comments (0) Add a comment

Right before Yom Kippur, The Jerusalem Post had an op-ed titled, "There are reasons why there are so few Jewish Republicans," by Marty Peretz, Editor-In-Chief of The New Republic. The entire piece should be read, but here is my favorite part.


Senator Biden said in his debate with Governor Palin last week that "no one in the United States Senate has been a better friend to Israel than" himself. I'm a careful observer of these matters, and this is the truth. He went on: "I would never, ever have joined this ticket were I not absolutely sure Barack Obama shared my passion." That goes for me, too. And I'm a stickler on this, even a bit fanatical.

That goes for so many pro-Israel Jewish Americans too - some "even a bit fanatical."


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