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Mark Kirk Receives “Pants on Fire Award” from Chicago Tribune

Matthew Green — June 2, 2010 – 1:50 pm | Election 2010 | Republicans Comments (0) Add a comment

Mark Kirk (R-IL), the Republican nominee for President Obama’s former Senate seat, has claimed on multiple occasions (including on his website) that he won the title of “Intelligence Officer of the Year” while serving in the US Navy. In reality, however, Kirk was awarded no such title. While it’s true that Kirk’s naval unit was praised for its intelligence work, The Chicago Tribune has awared Kirk the “Pants on Fire Award” for his claim:

“Kirk has never won the Intelligence Officer of the Year, awarded annually by top Navy officials. But he has made that claim for more than a decade - in speeches, in campaign materials submitted to the Tribune and other news organizations and in the biography on his Web site.”

Upon recognizing his error, Kirk wrote on his blog that his award was “misidentified.” However, The Tribune wrote in reponse:

“This is not Kirk’s finest moment. It reflects the hubris he shows from time to time. We’d like to hear the congressman acknowledge that the award listed on his bio was inflated, not ‘misidentified.’ We’d like to hear him say he’s sorry. But no.”




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