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Mitchell to PA: Quit Making Excuses

David Streeter — February 3, 2010 – 12:06 pm | Barack Obama | Israel Comments (0) Add a comment

Ha’Aretz reported that Ambassador George Mitchell, US special envoy to the Middle East, had some strong words for the Palestinian Authority (PA):

‘The time has come to stop finding excuses for avoiding a return to the negotiating table ...’

Ashar Alaswat, a leading Arabic language newspaper, reports:

Well-informed official French sources have revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat that US Envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, has called for French and European officials to pressure Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table with the Israelis. The source that spoke to Asharq Al-Awsat on the condition of anonymity revealed that Mitchell was taking a ‘hard-line’ position towards the Palestinians, as he believed that ‘the time has come to stop finding excuses’ for refusing to sit down at the negotiations table. The French official source also quoted Mitchell as saying that the Palestinians ‘are content’ with the current situation, which they believe is less risky than returning to negotiations without securing international guarantees.

That’s right; Mitchell and President Barack Obama are pressuring the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table. They have called the PA’s bluff and are taking a stand against their recent stall tactics. Israel has stood ready to enter peace talks and Palestinian Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad appears ready to do so as well. Now it’s Abbas’ turn to come to the table.


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