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NJDC Denounces Beck’s Verbal Attack on Reform Rabbis **UPDATE: Beck Apologizes**

NJDC — February 24, 2011 – 12:51 pm | Abusive Holocaust Rhetoric Comments (2) Add a comment

The National Jewish Democratic Council denounces Fox News host Glenn Beck’s comments that compared the Reform Jewish movement to Radical Islam. Beck said on his radio show [transcription courtesy of Media Matters]:

OK, you have to—hang on just a second. When you talk about rabbis, understand that most—most people who not Jewish don’t understand that there are the Orthodox rabbis, and then there are the reformed rabbis. Reformed rabbis are generally political in nature. It’s almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way, to where it is just—radicalized Islam is less about religion than it is about politics. When you look at the reform Judaism, it is more about politics. I’m not saying that they’re the same on ... and they’re going to take it at that, but ... It’s not about terror or anything else, it’s about politics, and so it becomes more about politics than it does about faith. Orthodox rabbis—that is about faith. There’s not a single orthodox rabbi on this list. This is all reformed rabbis that were—that made this list.

Beck’s comments demonstrate a complete ignorance of Judaism and are offensive in the extreme. We implore other Jewish groups and individuals of all political and religious stripes to denounce Beck’s latest verbal attack on our community. Ignorant and borderline-bigoted comments cannot be tolerated as political speech by our community. We would call for a sincere apology from Beck, but as he has demonstrated before, he just does not take the concerns of the American Jewish community seriously.

NJDC also denounces the invocation of the Holocaust by George Soros that led to Beck’s offensive rant. As we have consistently said, invoking the Holocaust to make a political point is never acceptable. Period.

**Update February 24, 2011**

Beck has rightly apologized for his remarks. His apology is due to the community-wide uproar, which includes condemnations from the Union of Reform Judaism, the Anti-Defamation League, us, and others. We welcome Beck’s apology and applaud the members of our community who promptly denounced him.

However, the proof of a heartfelt apology will of course be in Beck’s actions, not his words. After so many profoundly disturbing and hurtful statements about Jews and Judaism, incorporating abusive Holocaust rhetoric and otherwise, the true test will be if Beck starts down a different path.


Jean-Pierre Fenyo | February 23, 2011 – 1:25 pm

Glenn Beck is violating existing laws and should be prosecuted! Some Reform Rabbis are great Rabbis, some are so-so, and some have even contradicted their own teachings/principles.
BUT Glenn Beck’s blanket attacks on Reform Judaism and Reform Rabbis is nothing short of incitement and thinly-veiled anti-Semitic racism. Those who think they are decent Republicans should speak out loud and clear against Beck’s vile, venomous diatribes.
As for those of us who suggest we should just ignore these things; I would agree with you that ignoring those average persons who may reach an audience of, say, at most a few hundred or a few thousand, is generally the right approach. However; in the case of Glenn Beck, whose reach is in the millions or tens of millions and whose potential longer-term reach might be in the hundreds of millions, such an approach of ‘ignoring’ is the wrong one! We Jews in general, exceptions always a given, tend to ignore people who threaten us, our loved ones and our basic human rights in general, by ignoring them. This tendency stems from centuries of extremely unpleasant and horrific experiences we and other totally unjustifiably targeted minorities (such as the Roma, Shinti etc.) have had to survive, too often at unbearable cost in terms of unique and wonderful lives lost eternally! In general we were in specific situations where the least resistance might seem to offer us a fair chance at survival. The Shoah changed all that! We must remain eternally aware of the fact that daring to speak out against what I deem are obvious violations of existing, sensible laws…laws prohibiting incitement to illegal acts of violence against innocent persons and groups of people…that daring to raise our voice as high and loud and clear as possible is not only the right thing to do vis-a-vis Beck and others who serve Conflict-Profiteering schemes, but is our obligation to all the decent and sensible non-Jews who may not be aware of the insidious nature of what Glenn Beck and others perpetrate against the overall welfare of all of America!
All that said; I do have a very effective, ethical, legal method/device to counter these insidious and dangerous Beck-ish garbage!
I am more than happy to hear anything you may have to say about this.

William Levinson | February 24, 2011 – 3:07 pm

I could have done without Beck’s over the top comparison to militant “Islam” but the rest of what he said is 100 percent accurate.

Rabbis such as Eric Yoffie do confuse Judaism with the left wing of the Democratic Party and vice versa. Yoffie, for example, must have a very unique Torah that contains a religious obligation to support gun control and of course Democratic candidates who support gun control (per his speech at the Million Mom March in 2000). He actually used the phrase “religious obligation” and all but accused NRA mascot Eddie Eagle of making matzos from the blood of murdered children. (He admittedly didn’t say anything about matzos but he did use the phrase “blood of murdered children” along with “criminals’ lobby” to describe the NRA, of which I am a life member.)

Re: “BUT Glenn Beck’s blanket attacks on Reform Judaism and Reform Rabbis is nothing short of incitement and thinly-veiled anti-Semitic racism.” Please don’t confuse Reform Rabbis like Eric Yoffie and Michael Lerner with Reform Jews like me. I am offended not by Glenn Beck’s statement of an unpleasant fact but rather by Mr. Yoffie’s presumption in effectively signing my name to his political viewpoints by claiming that Judaism somehow supports those views.

Eric Yoffie has every right in the world to express his political views (e.g. on gun control) as political views. He does not have the right, at least not the moral right, to express those political views under color of Judaism. This is the sort of thing Glenn Beck was talking about.

In addition, Michael Lerner of who also signed the anti-Beck letter, works against Israel and therefore six million Israeli Jews at every opportunity. Lerner is another example of why Glenn Beck’s statements are right on the mark.

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