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Jewish Dems React to Fatah-Hamas Accord, Drastic Changes in Regional Dynamics

NJDC — May 3, 2011 – 1:41 pm | Foreign Policy | Israel | Terrorism Comments (1) Add a comment

Tomorrow, a new dynamic in the Middle East peace process will be introduced as Fatah, the Palestinian faction in control of the West Bank, and Hamas, the faction in control of the Gaza Strip, are scheduled to sign a new power sharing agreement that will forge the first Palestinian unity government since elections took place in 2007. In response, National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) Chair Marc R. Stanley and President and CEO David A. Harris today jointly issued the following statement, calling on Hamas and all Palestinian factions to renounce violence and encouraging all sides to move towards a negotiated two-state solution:

The power sharing agreement between Hamas and Fatah represents a turning point in the current dynamics of the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. We know President Barack Obama and his Administration will monitor this situation exceptionally closely and act decisively, helping Israel to mitigate any potential dangers to its future security this apparent new reality could cause.

That said, we are hopeful that President Obama will show continuing strong leadership; that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not see this as a reason to be deterred from presenting bold steps towards a lasting peace; and that this reported accord will put pressure on the most extreme elements of Palestinian society to lay down their weapons and end this generation’s old conflict. As part of this, Hamas must renounce violence, abide by past agreements and recognize Israel’s right to exist.

One thing is clear; the status quo is not sustainable for any party involved. The only path away from the status quo leads towards two states.


Jean-Pierre Fenyo | May 3, 2011 – 2:55 pm

Regarding the specific wording of this statement: I agree with the overall purpose and intentions of the NJDC’s statement concerning the Cairo Agreement between the P.A. and HAMAS. No doubt about it: this agreement presents additional complications and potential obstacles to arriving at a realistic Two States Peace Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. IF I were the Prime Minister of Israel I would be very troubled about this agreement; should it prove to be any evidence of any real regression on the part of the Palestinian Authority (P.A.). From what can already be gleaned it would seem to appear that the P.A. are doing this in order to create the circumstances whereby an elections within the Palestinian territories can take place; whereby it would be hoped a clearer picture emerges as to where the Palestinians, themselves, stand on all relevant issues, including the Peace Process. My concern would be this: what IF there is real regression and the Palestinian majority indicate no willingness to make the kind of significant compromises necessary to reach a viable Two States Peace?!? What then?? The Status Quo is definitely not sustainable. Worse! The Status Quo, given the changes in the entire region (read: so-called “Arab Spring Revolts”), could easily lead to Total Disaster! And even I don’t want to speculate about how specifically that Total Disaster would ensue; rest assured the whole World would be at risk! So, IF I were Prime Minister of Israel I would not allow, from Israel’s part, the rhetoric to escalate in response to the noise from the other side! I would be very, very cautious; as if I had stumbled into a bar full of drunken people, where some are brutish thugs and others are simply depressed fellow victims of those thugs… Caution is the operative word. Next: I would make sure I had a prepared a pre-emptive Peace Deal to entice the P.A. in the possible eventuality that the Cairo Agreement collapse. And, in the meanwhile, I would await what actually transpires during those elections! Making sure not to make any noise on our part. Any noise that might put pressure on the P.A. to further regress…if that is what is happening anyway…would be counter-productive. As for expecting HAMAS to really change: I see no evidence that that is likely to happen. The idea that HAMAS would really do so is as naive as being certain that the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt will really continue to act as pragmatically as it seems to have these days. But this is not to say that hardline quasi-Religious people cannot change into truly Spiritual Religious people: such things have happened, but USUALLY (Historically) they take ages! And we don’t have ‘ages’ to wait for peace to happen! Who really knows?! Maybe we’ll have unquestionable Evidence of a planet with an Advanced Civilisation by the middle of this Summer! As Johnny Carson would put it: Weird Stuff! And it sure would be Weird Stuff if HAMAS became pragmatic and moderate enough!

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