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Orly Taitz: Obama Administration is like Nazi Germany

Martine Kaplan — July 30, 2009 – 4:53 pm | Abusive Holocaust Rhetoric | Barack Obama | Stop the Smears Comments (1) Add a comment

Orly Taitz, the dentist/real estate agent/attorney who is leading the Birther fight, took her case to the Colbert Report last night. As with other baseless attacks on President Obama, a comparison to Nazi Germany was made:

Colbert: You represent Major Stefan Cook, okay, who said his orders to deploy to Afghanistan were invalid because Obama wasn’t born in America.

Taitz: Well, bottom line—

Colbert: It’s good for the country, for the soldiers to be questioning the Commander in Chief.

Taitz: Well, I think that if in Nazi Germany, the soldiers and the officers would have questioned the orders that came from the commander in chief, maybe 65 million people wouldn’t have died.

Colbert: Thank you. So few people are willing to compare the Obama administration to Nazi Germany. It’s refreshing to hear that.

If only Colbert were right that so few people were willing to draw that comparison. It’s been made a few times in last several weeks. There’s even a law governing such arguments: as an internet conversation continues, the chance of a reference to Hitler or Nazis being made approaches one.

Taitz also said that in order to be President, both parents must be citizens (to which Colbert replied “that may not be in the Constitution, but it’s a basic fact taught to every school child growing up with Ms. Taitz in the Soviet Union”) and Obama’s social security number is illegitimate and shows him to be 119 years old.

To watch the full exchange, click here.


Mark | August 12, 2009 – 7:25 pm

I believe Dr. Taitz is making absurd arguments against President Obama. However, I hope you understand that Mr. Colbert is ridiculing her and not agreeing with her.

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