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Some of Monday’s Questionable Right-Wing Statements and Decisions

Jason Attermann — October 13, 2010 – 9:00 am | Civil Rights | Election 2010 | Election 2012 | Republicans Comments (0) Add a comment

Below are some of Monday’s questionable right-wing statements and decisions:

  • The “spending-reduction” mantra of many Republican and Tea Party candidates has many Jewish leaders deeply concerned that the changes will decrease financial assistance for social services to the poor and elderly.
  • Nevada Gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval (R-NV) appears to have hired an undocumented worker as his housekeeper. The news about Sandoval is strikingly similar to that of California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman (R-CA),
  • Texas Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) was infuriated by Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC show The Last Word, when O’Donnell questioned about Paul’s controversial beliefs as well as those of other Tea Party candidates, including his son Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul (R-KY).
  • Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller (R-AK) refused to answer any more questions about his background and personal life after multiple reports showed that Miller received federal subsidies and benefits, despite his repeated calls to end the “welfare state.”
  • In the On Faith section of The Washington Post, guest writer Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council wrote that gay rights organizations are exploiting the recent suicides of gay teenagers to push their agenda of redefining the American family. Perkins wrote this on the Human Rights Campaign’s National Coming Out Day.
  • In a Fox News commercial, Glenn Beck claimed that the government is destroying the U.S. Constitution. In the same commercial, Fox host Andrew Napolitano explained that Fox is solving the country’s problems.


Also, The New York Times published some background on the event that gave New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino (R-NY) a platform to express his anti-gay views.


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