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Some of This Weekend’s Questionable Right-Wing Statements and Decisions

Jason Attermann — October 25, 2010 – 2:21 pm | Economy | Election 2010 | GOP Hypocrisies | Health Care Comments (0) Add a comment

Below are some of this weekend’s questionable right-wing statements and decisions:

  • Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) falsely listed endorsements by certain Democrats in a recent mailing, including Alaska gubernatorial candidate Ethan Berkowitz (D-AK).
  • Tea Party-backed Texas Congressional candidate Stephen Broden (R-TX) said that the violent overthrow of the government is “on the table.” The Dallas Morning News reported that overthrowing the government is an option “if elections did not produce a change in leadership.”
  • According to a report by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, the Republican plan on Social Security as outlined in the Roadmap for America’s Future would raise the retirement age to 70 and lead to a dramatic decrease in benefits to most beneficiaries.
  • Disagreeing with many economic advisors including the former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Republican Senate candidate Pat Toomey (R-PA) argued that a full extension of the Bush-era tax cuts would not add trillions of dollars to the deficit.
  • Pennsylvania Congressional candidate Mike Kelly (R-PA) failed to list which programs he recommends to cut from the federal budget, despite being asked during a debate last week to list specific cuts.
  • A frequent campaign line by Florida Congressional candidate Allen West (R-FL) states his district’s high number of uninsured residents. However, his platform of repealing health care reform would prevent 60,000 residents from gaining access to care.
  • Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio posted on his twitter that he gave former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) “a pair of pink underwear” during her visit to Arizona.
  • Massachusetts Congressional candidate Sean Bielat (R-MA) compared “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to the prohibition of people under 5’ 2” from serving in the military, arguing “There’s no absolute right to serve.”
  • Tea Party supporter Dick Armey (R-TX) accused Democrats of early voting in large numbers because of the lax security at the polls and greater chance to commit voter fraud.
  • Karl Rove flip-flopped on his stance vis-à-vis IRS-designated 527 organizations.
  • In the face of Republican backlash, Rove attempted to make nice with the Tea Party and backtracked on his earlier statements that the Tea Party movement is unsophisticated.
  • In an automated campaign phone call, Michigan statehouse candidate Gary Glenn (R-MI) referenced homosexuality twelve times during an attack against his openly gay opponent Toni Sessoms (D-MI). The call accused her of having a “homosexual activist agenda.”
  • Despite the position by Missouri Congressional candidate Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) that government should “leave us alone here in Missouri’s 4th,” the Environmental Working Group shows Hartzler’s farm received over $770,000 in federal subsidies.


Also, be sure to check out The Daily Beast‘s profile of Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle (R-NV) that details her evolution into becoming a politician.



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