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5/8 Shabbat Reading

Aaron Keyak — May 8, 2009 – 2:46 pm | Barack Obama | Civil Rights | Congress | Democrats | Domestic Policy | Foreign Policy | Israel | Republicans | Terrorism | Women's Issues Comments (0) Add a comment

Here are some interesting articles from the past week. These links are designed to be printed out and enjoyed over a restful Shabbat. Feel free to join the conversation by following and contributing at #shabbatreading every Friday on Twitter.

Moment: “New Political Woman: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is Florida’s first Jewish congresswoman. The self-made politician has risen rapidly through the ranks of the Democratic Party while raising three young children and battling cancer.”

TIME: “Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over?”

Forward: “Do Jews Have a Jesus Problem?”

CQ: “Young Evangelicals Break From Old on Gay Unions”

TNR: “Numbers Game: How many civilians were killed in Gaza? Meet the people who do the counting.”

BusinessWeek: “Israel’s Clean Technology Pioneers”

Atlantic: “Shimon Peres on Iran: Overreaction Is Better Than Underreaction”

Bit of Torah: “An Eye For An Eye: The Interdependence of Written and Oral Law”

Shabbat Shalom!


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