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Tell Marcy Winograd to Support a Two-State Solution

David Streeter — June 2, 2010 – 2:21 pm | Election 2010 | Israel Comments (2) Add a comment

Next week, Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) will face a primary showdown from challenger Marcy Winograd. A key difference between the two candidates is their support for Israel. Harman is a staunch advocate for Israel and supports a negotiated two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, placing her within the mainstream. Winograd, in complete contrast, supports a bi-national one-state solution—the same solution supported by some of Israel’s fiercest detractors. 


Winograd recently said, “Not only do I think a two-state solution is unrealistic, but also fundamentally wrong, because it only reinforces heightened nationalism. You cannot establish a democracy in a state founded on the institutionalized superiority or exclusivity of one of [sic] religion, ethnicity or culture. I do not support the notion of an Islamic state or a Christian state any more than I support a Jewish state.”


She even went so far as to criticize Representative Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) loyalty to the United States because of his support for his Israel saying, “I would hope that all of our lawmakers would pledge allegiance to this country as the country they represent.”


Help us tell Winograd to support a mainstream view of the peace process.


Winograd’s position on Israel stands in direct contrast to President Obama’s efforts to foster a two-state solution between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It’s also a slap in the face to the current leadership of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, who just received high praise from Obama’s Special Envoy for Middle East Peace, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, because of their commitment to achieving a negotiated two-state solution.


Tell Winograd that a one-state solution means the end of Israel.


Winograd needs to know that support for a one-state solution is not acceptable to Jews, Democrats, and those who care about peace with dignity for Israelis and Palestinians.



Click here to politely and respectfully tell Winograd your thoughts about the one-state solution.



Click here to fill out NJDC’s form to send a copy of this message to your friends. It’s especially important to send this message to people who live in the Los Angeles area.




ktula | June 2, 2010 – 4:31 pm

Thank you so much.  I am actually going to contribute to Winograd’s campaign with the information that you have provided here.  A candidate that wishes “all of our lawmakers would pledge allegiance to this country as the country they represent” is one that gets my vote.

Mark E. Smith | June 2, 2010 – 8:13 pm

Wow—maybe a little basic research before you smear people.
At 5:10 in this video, Winograd expresses support of a two state solution, ank asks Jane Harman why she doesn’t oppose settlements, perhaps the biggest obstacle to a two-state solution.


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