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Would Whitaker Cut Israel’s Aid?

Jacob Miller — May 8, 2013 – 3:32 pm | Foreign Policy | Israel | Rand Paul | Republicans Comments (0) Add a comment

The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) expressed concern over the pledge made by Iowa Senate candidate Matt Whitaker to model himself after Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) if elected to the Senate.

“Should Whitaker choose to model himself after Senator Paul on foreign policy, that would mean the Senate would gain a second voice in favor of cutting Israel’s aid,” said NJDC Executive Director Aaron Keyak. “Whitaker would also join Senator Paul as the only Senators who refuse to reject a containment strategy for Iran.”

“Whitaker’s pledge means that he would vote against a wide range of domestic policies, including expanded background checks for gun purchases and the Violence Against Women Act, which is standard operating procedure for Senate Republicans,” added Keyak. “With his declaration, Whitaker has proven that he is not ready to serve in the U.S. Senate.”

Click here to learn about Senator Paul’s dismal Israel record.  



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