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Women and Voting: Taking Nothing for Granted

Linda Berg — August 26, 2010 – 1:47 pm | Barack Obama | Domestic Policy | Election 2010 | Election 2008 | Women's Issues Comments (0) Add a comment

Today commemorates the 90th anniversary of women receiving the right to vote through the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. We celebrate this significant milestone especially because of the major role that women voters played in the last elections that resulted in Democratic majorities in the House and Senate as well as the election of a Democratic President. Under the Obama Administration women play a vital role in shaping policy as well as sit in historic numbers on the Supreme Court. Women were among the most passionate advocates for March’s historic health care reform legislation and a woman continues to serve as America’s top diplomat.

Although many take it for granted, achieving the right to vote was a hard fought battle. Those who consider the words of the founding fathers to be sacred should pause to remember that they limited the franchise only to white male voters. As Election Day approaches, it is important that women vote in historic numbers so that the Obama Administration’s can continue working towards total equality for women as well as to move this country forward.



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