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October 29, 2008

Jews Dems Launch a New Video: “A Yiddisha Take on 2008”

Listed in: Israel, Other Domestic Policy, Other Foreign Policy, Reproductive Rights, Separation of Church and State, NJDC News, Press Releases

Forman: “‘A Yiddisha Take on 2008’ is part of the final push to make sure the Jewish community goes to the polls fully educated about the positions of the McCain/Palin ticket.”

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, the National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) launched a new video titled, “A Yiddisha Take on 2008.” This video includes a series of election year questions that face the Jewish community with humorous answers in Yiddish, a highly expressive language spoken by many Jews around the world. The responses use Yiddish phrases to provide some insight on concerns that many in the Jewish community have about the positions taken by the McCain/Palin ticket and Republicans.

“The video shares an important message for the Jewish community and hopefully will provide both a light-hearted and unique Yiddisha insight into this year’s election,” said Ira N. Forman, Executive Director of NJDC.

“A Yiddisha Take on 2008” asks questions to voters concerning 2008 election issues. The voters reply with Yiddish phrases to describe their feelings.

Here are select excerpts from “A Yiddisha Take on 2008”:

Q: “What do you think of McCain opposing funding for renewable energy?”
A: “Meshugana.”
(Loosely meaning, “Crazy.”)

Q:“Is Palin ready to handle complex foreign relations?”
A: “You think Bush is farblondzshet, you haven’t seen anything”
(Loosely meaning, “You think Bush is confused and perplexed, you haven’t seen anything.”)

Q: “What do you think about Pennsylvania Republicans implying that electing Obama can bring a Holocaust?
A: “A shande, it’s a shande”
(Loosely meaning, “A shame, it’s disgraceful.”)

Q: “So what kind of leadership do we need for today’s world?”
A: “We need a mench, a real mench.”
(Loosely meaning, “We need a decent person, a real decent person.”)

 “With Election Day fast approaching it is important that the Jewish community fully understand what is at stake in this year’s election,” said Forman. “‘A Yiddisha Take on 2008’ is part of the final push to make sure the Jewish community goes to the polls fully educated about the positions of the McCain/Palin ticket. It is also our attempt to add a bit of levity into a fiercely contested election.”